Our Activities:
• A group engaged to create warriors of recitation who will not only self-sustain themselves through this performing art, but will evolve as a good human being and will also help make this society a better place for future generations.
• Besides improving the techniques of recitation, we inject a deep passion for Bengali literature in general and poetry in particular.
• Regular workshops and in-house rehearsals for quality improvement of the performers.
• Constant experimentation on different facets of recitation to explore the unexplored treasure house of Bengali literature.
• Several renowned personalities of recitation, drama and literature help in the technical improvement of the students of Shankhamala during the workshops and rehearsals.
• Besides solo performances, Shankhamala has added newer dimension to the group recitation.
• Regular excursion and picnics, not only generate a deep bond between the members of the group, it also gives an opportunity o experience the culture of these areas and get enriched.
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